22 junio 2012

Iceland through Instagram 02

I got back home with thousands of tales in my head, thousands of airs and shades of green in my nose and my eyes. I should have stayed there, where the sky never darkens and there's water and fire shapping the world.

7 comentarios:

  1. that looks stunning...I'd love to go there one day, to enjoy a bit of nature and silence...

  2. Qué maravilla de isla, ojalá pudiera pasar algún tiempo allí.
    La foto de la gasolinera me ha recordado a Hopper...

    1. De hecho la saqué pq me hizo pensar en Hopper, fue muy curioso...

  3. Wow, this is just stunning. I always look at photos such as these with a feeling of needing to travel. One day, I'll make it to Iceland.

    1. It's an stunning place. I came back feeling like it couldn't be real... and at the same time, that it couln't be more real. If you can, go!

  4. Q fotos más increíbles, ojalá pudiera viajar a Islandia algún día, de momento me conformo con lo que nos traes. Bsos


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